Tale As Old As Time

Beauty and the Beast is most certainly my most cherished childhood movie. I was a little girl when it came out and I have this feeling associated to it that I can only describe as nostalgia. It's movies, books and memories like this that we don't really know the significance of until we grow older. … Continue reading Tale As Old As Time

Create your dream office (on a budget)

So like any goal setter in the early stages of 2017 would do, I'm going to create a vision board for my ideal office space. Every vision board needs some inspiration, Pinterest is absolutely great for this, which is where I found my idea for my space. This space is clean, simple and chic, which is … Continue reading Create your dream office (on a budget)

New year, blah blah blah

As I sit here in a post holiday slump, returning to the real world after a wonderful a break, I'm pondering what it is I want for the new year; set resolutions, don't set resolutions that's so bloody cliché! New Years Eve is always a sentimental time of year for me, as it is for most, but for me … Continue reading New year, blah blah blah